Edge-Control HTTP Header
Common values for this header
- no-store
- no-store, dca=esi, max-age=0, downstream-ttl=0
- dca=esi,!no-store,downstream-ttl=20m,max-age=60m
- no-store,no-cache
- dca=esi, !no-store, downstream-ttl=20m, max-age=60m
- downstream-ttl=-1
- dca=esi, !no-store, max-age=10m, downstream-ttl=10m
- !no-store,max-age=10s,downstream-ttl=30s
- private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
- dca=esi,!no-store,max-age=3600
- !no-store,cache-maxage=2h
Related headers
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